Tuesday, September 15, 2009

They sure don't look like eggplants.

Stop this madness! Mama Mia! How can you possibly blog so frequently? I have a lotta catching up to do.
Stopped by a friend's garden today and she gave me some eggplant like you've never seen before.
Miniature. Each about 1 to 2 inches.
The round, red ones are Red Ruffled Eggplants (See photo). They are teeny and pumpkin shape. Note the garlic bulb in the photo for size comparison.
The slender, striped numbers have a cute name that I can't recall. Not sure what I'm going to do with them yet, but will keep you posted. They're soooo small.
Wonder what they taste like? Ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Could you roast them and top a pizza with them? They are gorgeous; I've never seen anything like them.

    For you, I'll do a field trip to Central Market and see what their produce foodie suggests. Mamma Mia, the possibilities here!
